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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

Administrative Professionals Day Breakfast

  • 18 Apr 2018
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • The Steeple, Copthorne Hotel, Palmerston North


  • AAPNZ Members $35.00
    Non-Members $40.00
    Table (8 tickets) $280.00

This April take some time out to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day (AP Day)!

AP Day is a dedicated day to acknowledge the critical value administrative professionals add to the workplace.

The event is recognised and supported by prominent business people and organisations as well as representatives from various communities around New Zealand. AP Day is celebrated globally.

International Speaker and World Authority on the Administrative Profession and Chairperson of the World Administrators Summit Advisory Council.

Eth Lloyd

 Eth has a passion for the administrative profession and the value administrators contribute in the workplace. She has been commitment to encouraging them to value themselves and their roles.  

She has worked for 30 years as a Personal Assistant. For the past 12 years she has run her own professional development consultancy, Enderby Associates Ltd, specifically for Administrative Professionals.   Eth is a former National President of the Association of Administrative Professionals New Zealand Inc (AAPNZ) and she instigated their Certification programme.

 Eth has completed a Master of Education from Victoria University, Wellington and 2013/14 she spent a year volunteering in Samoa with Volunteer Services Abroad (VSA) as an Administration Services Advisor.  

She is the author of 'The Executive Secretary Guide to Conference and Event Management' available through Amazon.


The last two events have sold out early, so put the date in your diary now and ask your manager and colleagues to attend!  

Copthorne Hotel Palmerston North

 Principle Sponsor of the AAPNZ Manawatu Group

Payment can be made off-line.  Please go ahead and register through this Eventbrite and you will be sent an email requesting details for an invoice to be sent to you for payment.
Refunds cannot be provided online through this site. You may be able to substitute an attendee, however for registration on the day and seating arrangements, please let us know in advance of the event. 

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145