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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

October meeting - Otago Polytechnic School of Business

  • 24 Oct 2018
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Room 102, D Block, Otago Polytechnic (the three storey building opposite the Hockey Turf on Harbour Terrace)


Registration is closed

We are grateful to the Otago Polytechnic School of Business for hosting our October meeting! 

Otago Polytechnic would like introduce the new Administration and Technology qualifications from Level 3 to Level 5.  NZQA has also made stakeholders/employers an important part of these qualifications.  What about YOU? Do you or your organisation need specific training? Can we help? Let’s have a discussion.

  • How are the new qualifications from NZQA structured?
  • What are Graduate Profile Outcomes?
  • What is the Consistency Review required by NZQA?
  • How can stakeholders/employers play their part in helping Otago Polytechnic achieve a sufficient grading?
  • Training
  • Student Work Experience
RSVP to Tracey Fleet, email by 20th October.  Only $5 for AAPNZ members and $15 for non-members (includes drinks/nibbles).

We hope to see you there!

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145