Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc
Over the next 20 years, transportation options will change dramatically in the Nelson/Tasman region, and our region’s 65+ age group will double.
The future of transport choices is rapidly changing with electric cars, electric bicycles and electric hire scooters. How will people and businesses handle these transportation choices and growth? Will more people be working from home? Could flexi start-and-finish times ease the traffic backlog at high-peak times? Will the Nelson central commercial hub move west to Richmond? Will Rocks Road/State Highway 6 turn into a 4-lane highway? Will the old railway alignment and St Vincent Street corridor (the former Nelson-Southern Link corridor) be developed? Presenter Peter Kortegast, transportation engineer, will provide information about these questions and suggest what may happen over the next 20 years.
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5.30pm-6.00pm Socialising, networking, food and drink
6.00pm - 7.00pm Presentation
PO Box 5431
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145