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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

AIOP Webinar: So, you think you're strategic, what does this mean?

  • 9 Dec 2020
  • 8:00 PM
  • Webinar

Please register for this event on the AIOP website

Our Presenter

Lucy Brazier is one of the world’s leading authorities on the administrative profession. Her formidable training expertise and speaking style has given her opportunities to train, present and emcee events in over 50 countries at over 450 events worldwide.

 Lucy is CEO of Marcham Publishing, specialist publishers of Executive Secretary Magazine – a global training magazine dedicated to the professional development needs of senior and aspiring administrative professionals.  Lucy works with the best trainers of Executive Assistants from around the world to deliver the most current training in the market.

Much has been made in recent times of the emergence of the Assistant as a Strategic Business Partner. The term is THE buzz word in the industry. But how do you become strategic? What does it mean? How do you change your day to day role to become the Assistant that your Executive needs in order to deliver at the highest levels? 

In this 35-minutes session and 15 minutes Q & A, Lucy Brazier will look at why Businesses still need Assistants but why the landscape has changed, how to develop your business acumen to best support your executive and what skills are required to be a true Strategic Business Partner to your Executive.  The three take-aways are:

1. Why Businesses still need Assistants       
2. How to Develop your Business Acumen
Business Ethics

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