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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

AdmiNZ Manawatu - Celebrate APD 2023 with Us

  • 26 Apr 2023
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Fielding Golf Club, 1486 Waughs Road, Fielding

Registration is closed

Join us in Manawatu to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday 26 April for a gorgeous buffet breakfast in the lovely park-like surroundings of the Fielding Golf Club in the heart of the Manawatu. 

Our special guest speaker is Tracey Hunt* who will share her story of working as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity where she helped in building houses in Thailand and Samoa.

This event will be hosted by our members from Manawatu District Council. 

Mark the date in your diary now and tell your colleagues and managers and your friends in the administration profession!

Cost: $30 members, $35 non-members

Tickets can be purchased here

* Tracey Hunt was born and raised in the Manawatu. She attended Feilding High School and went on to study at Massey University and Victoria University gaining a Masters in Public Policy. Most of her career has been spent working in local authorities - holding positions in Community Development, Policy Analysis and Strategy and Long-Term Planning. After leaving Manawatu District Council to be a consultant, she has recently joined THINK Hauora to assist with health reforms and the requirements of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) legislation. Community wellbeing has always been at the heart of Tracey’s career which led her to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity building houses in Thailand and Samoa.

Tracey will give a presentation about her Habitat for Humanity experience.

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145